What is Robotics: Introduction

What is Robotics: We define a robot as an automaton entity composed of artificial mechanics and an electromechanical system. It has been created from the research of science and technology. A robot differs from a bot in that it comprises physical and tangible mechanisms, while the bot is hosted in software within a virtual system located in the Cloud.

What does Mechatronics Consist of?

Mechatronic engineering, which consists of various sciences such as mechanics, electronics, control, computer science, and computer science, is used to design a robot. These disciplines represent robotics or mechatronics engineering; branches like algebra, automata or state machines need to be added.

History of Robots and Emergence of the First Automata

Summarizing the origin and history of robots, the first attempts to represent humans through machines can be found in ancient Greece. It was at this time that the first robots were called automatons, one of which was that of Hero of Alexandria in 85 BC.

The etymology of the term, or the concept of the word robot, was coin in 1920 by a Czech writer name Karel Capek. It was part of the name of a play he creates entitle RUR (Rossum’s Universal Robots). It was about a company that made artificial humans avoid workers in factories. The word robot comes from robots, which means forced labor, or bondage in Czech means forced labor or servitude.

Who Invented Industrial Robotics?

The inventor of the first industrial robot was George Charles Devol, which is why he is considered the inventor of robotics and the creator of the first robots. Born in Kentucky in 1912, George Devol is an American inventor who distinguished himself early on through his intelligence.

Together with Joseph F. Engelberger, Devol founded Unimation, a company dedicated exclusively to developing the first industrial robots.

George Devol developed the first programmable machine in the past in 1948 and was notable for its ease of use and adaptability. This should be the basis for developing programmable robots, which he later produced with Joseph Engelberger in his robotics shop.

The Three Laws of Robotics

Later, Isaac Asimov defined robotics as the science responsible for studying and developing robots. He invents the “Three Laws of Robotics” for his science fiction novels, which can be summarized as follows:

  • A robot cannot harm a human.
  • A robot must follow a human’s instructions as long as it does not harm another human.
  • A robot necessity ensures its existence as long as it does not contradict the first and second laws.

Types of Robots

Types of Robots

There are different families of robots, as well as ways to classify them, and in this case, we are going to divide them by their functionality:

  • industrial robots. They have mechanical or poly-articulated arms with different axes, which can be mobile or fixed.
  • Service robots. They are social robots and can remain humanoid, zoomorphic, or zoomorphic and mobile. They are intend for health, leisure, or military defense sectors.
  • They are robots that, due to their small size, have been create to perform scientific functions.

A little later, we delve into the info on the different types of robots, such as butler robots, educational robots, agricultural robots, collaborative robots, cobots intended for the automation of the industry, chef robots, etc.

Characteristics of Intelligent Robots

Robots can also be classified according to their characteristics and technical capabilities. And we’re not just talking about their mobility, but also the type of programming and level of intelligence they possess. They need to be differentiate from chatbots here; then, a talking bot is a virtual robot in software.

The improvement of artificial intelligence neural network algorithms is revolutionizing the world of robotics through large-scale computing also It offered endless possibilities in the evolution of robotics. Just think of the names of humanoid robots such as Sophia, Thespian, and Ibuki, distinguished by their ability to interact and intelligence.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Robotics

The latest advances in robotic engineering have enabled it to implement in any job. So naturally, they are excited about dropping manufacturing costs. Still, they also allow them to be use in places of risk or produce muscular overloads for the operators, reducing sick leave and accident rates.

Another feature of robots is that they work with a precision that is not affect by fatigue, sleep, work shifts, or illness, but they also do not need vacations or “for the time being” have to pay taxes on them.

While it is true that industrialize robots can work 24/7, just like a worker, robots need preventive and palliative maintenance.

The biggest drawback of implementing robotic devices in jobs is that it will continue to cause massive job destruction in the next decade, mainly in the industrial and services sectors. Undoubtedly, it is a reality that is difficult to hide, although it is just as evident that millions of new jobs will be generate around robotics.

Robotics and its Benefits

Robots save workers from performing dangerous tasks. They can work in hazardous condition, such as poor lighting, toxic chemical, or tight space. They are capable of lifting heavy load without injury or tiring. Robot increase worker safety by preventing accident since humans are not performing risky job.

The Skills You Need for Career in Robotic

Problem Solving Skills. Knowing how to design and build functioning technical systems is important in robotics. Still, it’s also important to figure out why the system not working properly.

  • Electric Soldering Skills.
  • Critical Thinking.

Robotics in Growing Career

Robotics is a fast-growing field with many exciting specialities, industries, and also companies to explore. If you relish problem-solving in a fast-paced, innovative environment and want to work on projects that will change the world, robotics maybe your career.

Robotics in High Demand

Artificial intelligence specialists with experience in robotic programming are in great demand since automate robotic systems are consider the Future of robotic technology.

Robotics have Future

Robots’ automation capabilities mean many worker are likely to be replace by AI and robotics technologies. It’s expect that machine will disrupt 85 million job by 2025 as the workforce resemble more of a human-machine hybrid.


Today, most robots work for people in industry, factories, warehouses, and laboratories. Robots are useful in many way instance, it boosts the economy because businesses need to be efficient keep up with the industry competition and also therefore, having robots helps business owners competitive because robot can do jobs better and faster than human can, e.g., robots can build and assemble cars.

Entitled Exponential technologies in manufacturing, advance robotics is define as machines or systems capable of accepting high-level orders.

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